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Erin Condren Planner Review

As much as technology has made my life easier, I am still a paper and pen sort of girl.  I love notebooks, journals, colored pens, etc.  And I really love my Erin Condren planner!  

I will admit, they are pricey.  But I've tried to go cheap. I bought a really nice Target planner. And was left unimpressed.

So I broke down and made the 18-month commitment to Erin Condren. ;)  My package arrived last Thursday, and it was super hard not to skip supper with the family to start filling it in:

They wrapped it for me! It's like Christmas in August!

The planner came with a coupon, as well as some stickers.

The front
This is in the back. They have now included a perpetual calendar to list
birthdays/anniversaries so that you don't need to write them down
year after year.

I love love love a 2 page monthly spread to see all our big events.

I use the 2 page weekly view to write down work meetings,
kids' stuff, my to do list, etc.
The pens were bought from Target... it was a 5-pack. I like to color-code. :)


Unknown said…
I bought ne a few years ago a loved it. Same thing as you, have yet to find one I love as much. May have to give in and make the splurge too.

BTW - the link didn't work for me. :(

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