I'm linking up today with Julia for Working Mommy Wednesday. I have always been a working mommy. I work at a place large enough to get FLMA and took 12 weeks off after the birth of Connor and one week before and 11 weeks after the birth of the twins. I work at a community college. It started as a part-time job as a secretary while I finished my Masters in History. I always wanted to work at a college, but I thought that meant I had to teach. I realized that it doesn't mean that at all. I finished with my M.A. in 2003, but I'm still here. Working behind the scenes at a college. Now I evaluate transcripts, assist with the creation of articulation agreements with four-year schools, and a plethora of other things that fall under "and other duties as assigned" category on the job description. One of the things that has happened in the past couple of weeks is that we are almost to the completion of a HUGE project 2 other people and...
wife. mother. writer. kidney transplant recipient.