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Lady Admired - A Book Review

I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of this book, Lady Admired, by Jane Charles.

I absolutely LOVED this book. The only reason I put it down from time to time was because my kids need a mother. ;) This was a a great way to wrap up the Tenacious Trent series. 

Rose Trent, a young widow, is the  Dowager Countess of Bentley.  She finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime, although it didn't quite start out that way. Kidnapped by a Scot after he found out who she was, she was taken back to Laird Aiden MacGregor's manor.  

Aiden MacGregor is a handsome yet firm family man who for once, acted before thinking.  After sending a random letter to Rose's stepsons, he begins to regret his rash decision to kidnap Rose.  He knows that in doing so, he has signed his own death warrant, as kidnapping will result with him swinging from the gallows.

As Rose becomes enamoured of his family... and of Aiden, she also finds her true self.  Married at 15 to a horrible man, she has never had such freedom before as she has now.  She finds herself falling in love with Aiden, although since she has never been with a man such as he, she truly has no idea what is happening.  Aiden, on the other hand, recognizes his feelings for Rose, and is determined to spend the rest of his short life enjoying his time with her.  

When Rose's family receive word of her kidnapping, they rush to save her. But when they find her, it's not what they expected.  Will Rose and Aiden be able to savor their sweet love, or will Aiden be prosecuted for his crime?

This was a fantastic book!  As we see Rose come into her own, sampling freedom bit by bit, the reader cheers her on.  While she has said that she would never find herself tied down to a man again, Aiden pulls at her heart strings and opens experiences to her that she never believed possible.  Aiden's family is wonderful, and I hope we see more of them in the future. We also get a chance to see the "other" Trents, cousins of the famous Trents, and I can't wait to read more about them too!

I definitely recommend this book, as well as the other in the series.


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