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Creating a back to school routine...

T-minus 8 days until the start of school! And to get back in the routine of school, homework, and just the general busyness of life, I thought I'd post about some things we are doing at home to help make the transition from summer to school a little easier this year:

Prepare the night before: Lunches and backpacks are ready to go.  Clothes are set out for children and mom! 
Set the timer on the coffee maker.  Double check your calendar to make sure you aren't forgetting a treat or permission slip. 
Here is a picture of the wall/counter right by our back door.  
Under the counter, Keith built cubbies for coats/back packs.  
We use the old shutter for bills/permission slips/important papers.

Hover over this picture to see the "Pin it" button!

Hug It Out: I've read this in numerous parenting mags, so it must be true... right? Sometimes kids are especially needy in the morning because they've been away from physical contact all night long.  Spend a couple minutes just sitting with each child and giving a few extra cuddles, especially to those less-independent kiddos of yours.  

Visualize Your Morning Routine:  I used this one last year and it worked great! It has pictures and words, so there is no confusion.  It's placed on the refrigerator, and lists the steps of what needs to be done. (We eat and brush teeth before getting our uniforms on just in case there are spills.)


Get up earlier: Wait, what did she say? That's right, even if it's 5-10 minutes earlier, it gives you a little extra time in the morning. And a few minutes to do some stretches or yoga, write in your gratitude journal, or just drink your coffee in peace before the chaos of the morning.  (I'm still working on this one!)  

Lose the remote control: In our house, there is no t.v. in the mornings, unless all kids are dressed and ready to walk out that door (coats and hats optional).

Stay calm: Know that even the best laid plans can go awry.  Some day you will probably be running late, and that's just how it is.  Take a moment to take a deep breath before running around and possibly yelling at the kids. Good luck with the new school year! 


Unknown said…
I'm not sure I'm ready for back to school!

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