This is Colin the other night at dinner. (Sorry it's blurry.) The twins like to pretend they are sleeping at the dinner table, usually while they are eating. (I've mentioned before my kids are weird.)
Colin had been wearing his cousin's blue fairy slippers (don't ask), so he took them off and put them on the table, and pretend to sleep. If he wasn't grinning, it would be hard to tell he was faking it.
I'm playing along with Leigh today.
Speaking of Colin, he has developed an obsession with his pajama shirt. If he wakes up in it, it is hell trying to get it off. This made for some crabby mornings at 6 a.m. when I was trying to get the kids dressed for school.
Did you know that my children only want Mommy to get them dressed? Change their diapers? Put their shoes on? Put their coats on? While Daddy gets to stand around and do, well, nothing.
Anyway, I started putting Colin's shirt that he would wear to school on him the night before. Voila! He is happy in the morning. Well until I try to put his shoes on...