Jane Charles' new book, Between the Lines , was just released. The book centers around Gabe and Ellen, and the Baxter School of the Arts. It's told from both Gabe and Ellen's first person perspectives, which is great because the reader is able to see both sides of the story as it develops. Gabe is a teacher at the Baxter School of the Arts. Ellen is a reporter who feels that there is a story that needs to be told about Baxter. Both of them are dead set with keeping their secrets to themselves, but as their relationship grows, it becomes harder for them to not trust each other. I really liked this book, even though it's not what I normally read. Ellen is trying to keep her past a secret, but as she falls for Gabe, she begins to trust him and share her secrets. Gabe continues to protect the school and it's secrets, but not because they are bad. It's his job to protect the students he cares about. As Ellen gets closer to the truth, she begins to under...
wife. mother. writer. kidney transplant recipient.